International Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology

Special Issue

Endocrine Emergencies with Neurological Manifestation

  • Submission Deadline: 13 August 2022
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Filippo Manelli
About This Special Issue
Endocrine emergencies are a collection of rare and extreme manifestations of common endocrine disorders that are often triggered by an inciting event, such as an acute infection. Acute or chronic failure of an endocrine gland can occasionally result in catastrophic illness and even death. Thus, it is important to recognize and appropriately manage these endocrine emergencies. The neurologic and systemic complications of endocrine disorders generally worsen with increasing severity of the endocrine dysfunction. However, the rate of change is important, as rapid alterations may result in significant neurologic dysfunction, while severe but chronic endocrine dysfunction may have only minimal symptoms.
The aim of the special issue is to help neurologists and colleagues working at the Department of Emergency to promptly identify symptoms, signs of endocrine emergencies with neurological manifestations and to offer the patients the optimal management with adequate treatment. We will focus on various endocrine disorders, such as pituitary apoplexy, addisonian crisis, thyroid disorders (such as hypothyroidism, myxedema coma, thyroid storm), hyper-hypocalcemia, and acute glycemic disorders.


  1. Endocrine
  2. Emergency
  3. Pituitary Apoplexy
  4. Thyroid Disorders
  5. Calcium Disorders
  6. Acute Glycemic Disorders
Lead Guest Editor
  • Filippo Manelli

    Emergency Unit Director, ASST Vergamo EST, Seriate, Italy

Guest Editors
  • Maria Sofia Cotelli

    Neurology Unit, Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale Valcamonica, Esine, Italy